Spiritual Authority and Protection


Part 2 of the Three-fold journey anchoring the Divine Dragon Codes meant to assits Humanity's awakening at this time! 
These incredibly loving and tender heart codes will help bring you into a softer place through these challenging times. 
Join Erin Sunniva and her Dragon Avatar, RUMARA, on a journey of the Soul, restoring the Emerald Crystal Heart of Gaia within our beings and the Earth. By participating in the anchoring of these codes, we support the Universal Ascension process for ourselves and each other. 
These particular codes emanate the Mother's loving Heart of Creation and the Restoration of the Earth's 5D - 9D Mother Grid. 
This is powerful work, and empowering each of us on our unique and vital Earth-missions! 
You will be taken to the recording after purchasing your ticket. 

Your ability to stand in your power is equal to your ability to protect yourself Spiritually. 

Are you ready to feel yourself in the balance of strength and softness? 

This free workshop will support you in your return to your personal seat of power, your Spiritual presence, and the confidence that you are capable to face whatever comes your way.

Learn precise tools and practices to connect to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, and your ability to command the Divine Light. 

There is far more that you are capable of that you will discover through these tools and practices. 

Join us for this fun, free offering and boost your spiritual confidence!


The third and final stage in our Dragon Code Activation series.
This is the blessing from the Sun, Solaris, Solar Dragon, life giver and portal to beyond our Solar System.
From gathering our Dragon Codes in Part 1, to anchoring the Divine Emerald Crystal Heart of Creation in Part 2, we are arriving to the final blessing, integrating the Triple Solar Flame.
Our Sun has been blessing us with massive energetic shifts within her core that project plasma light for all of the planets in her system. Not just ours!
However, Earth is being primed to continue to accelerate her ascension along with all of her inhabitants. The more that we can come into resonation with the Sun and all she is offering us, the easier our integration, especially physical. Many complain of "ascension symptoms" and these ailments can be eased through deep integration of the energies arriving to the planet.
This journey will take us to the multidimensional realm of Solaris, the Solar Dragon, to bring us into harmony with her and all that she is creating for us with her Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar waves of loving plasma.

Curious? Ask your questions here! 

The first of a three-fold journey opening our unique Solar Dragon codes.
Elevate yourself to a place of transformation, dissolving ancient wounds and paradigms.
This 80 minute guided meditation will bring you up to speed and beyond, from your DNA to the Quantum. It's time for us to step forward in our multidimensional and cosmic evolution on Earth.

Allow yourself to shift into the reality that Dragons are here, have always been here, and are here to assist us in our evolution and Divine Plan. They are, moreover, an integral aspect of our physical and non-physical reality and we have the exciting opportunity to honor them and receive their wisdom and Divine support.
What Dragons Bring:
The dragon energy holds the power to catalyze and elevate, helping you align with your unique purpose and spiritual mission. Working with dragons not only accelerates personal awakening but empowers you to bring your gifts into the world.

Workshops and Trainings